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In 2008 she starts studying as an autodidact the technical and expressive potentialities of photography, black and white printing, digital photography
In 2009 she takes part, with her work “Arcieri, Arco e freccia viva”, to the group show Expressioni 2009, Collettiva Arte Giovani at Villa Arbusto museum in Lacco Ameno, Ischia.
In 2010, the MAV - Virtual Archeological Museum in Ercolano shows twelve photographs by Roberta Basile in the event “Writing on Mav, Playing in Mav”.
In the same year, she works at Archivio Parisio, contributing to the digital recovery and restoration of Fondo fotografico Troncone (1929-1980).
Photojournalist, she works with Agenzia Controluce and contributes with her photographs at Corriere della Sera, Il Manifesto, La Stampa, L'Avvenire, Repubblica Napoli, 20min (Germany), AFP bb New Giappone, CBC, I4U News, Irishtimes, RT Question More USA, RT Sepa Mas (Spagna), The Guardian.
In 2014 she figures among the first 100 photographers chosen at PHOTOLUX LEICA TALENT 2014.

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