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The photography of Ilaria D’Atri represents the border between painting and photography.
Her work is the proof that is not necessary sacrificing frankness and authenticity to gain control and competence. She has regained dark room, film and all the analog processes. This research should be considered as part of the process for the acquisition of the image.
Her photos are like pages of an analog novel which tells about an intimate world, melancholic,
bright and epiphanic.
Thanks to her the instant film, emulsion lift, overexposures and overlaps speak the language of Claude Lorrain, John Constable and Nicola Palizzi, in a surrealistic mode.
The quote that best describe her works is, as said by Odilon Redon < putting the logic of the
visible to the service of the invisible.

Critique by Michele Capaldo, Art historian

Curriculum (eng)

Ilaria D’atri was born in Naples where she attended the Art Lyceum in the Historical Institute of Suor Orsola Benincasa. There she understood how important is to be able to find the rules to find an esthetic language into the world.
In 2010 she completed a BA in Photography at the European Institute of Design in Rome. She has lived in Rome, Milan and London but her favorite place is Iceland. Currently she is in Naples, city that she describes as a muse of a decadent beauty with a sense of ethereal elegance. She is a Photographer and a Visual Artist.
As photographer she works with medium and large format analog camera using instant film. In the last years she has had the honor to work in collaboration with Madre, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Naples, The Bellini Royal Theatre of Naples, and with Angelo Cricchi. Thanks to his “adoption” she has had the opportunity to exhibit her project “Slippery World” in an art show curated by Achille Bonito Oliva. She has seen her fashion and Art works published on Vogue. it, Doppio Zero, D la Republica and on many others. Her dream is to write a book and direct a movie about the fragility of life and the beauty that luckily makes life colorful.

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